Nannies, Caregivers, Housekeepers Toronto

Profile View - Profile # 13735

Gender: Female
Profile #: 13735
City, state: antrim Country: United Kingdom
 Personal Information:
Birth Place: Manila,Philippines
English: Good Languages:
Ever arrested? No For what?
Driver's license: Driving details:
Do you swim? Fair Like pets: Yes
Marital status: Married Know cooking? Can Follow Recipe
No. of children: 2 Ages: 12,10
 Medical Information:
Age: 35
Height: 5'6 135 lbs
Smoke? No
Medication? No Explain:
Medical cond.: No Explain:
Allergies: No Comment:
Days missed - ill: None
 Education: Copies of certificates may be required
High school: 4th year College/Univ.: BS Medical Technolog
Child/elder trained? Yes Describe: Health and Social Care,NVQ Level 3 done in the UK
First aid? Yes Describe: BLS,BFA
Nurse: No Midwife: No
N.N.E.B.: No Teacher: No
Other education: Caregiving course
Hobbies/crafts: Reading,Outdoor activities,arts and crafts like ca
 Employment Record: most recent first, including overseas positions:
Previous Employer #1 - Information:
Length of Employment: february 2 Salary: £7/hr-40hr
Employment Duties: personal care of the elderly,medical assistance,do
No. of Children & Ages: elderly-75+ yrs old
Reason for leaving: presently employed
Previous Employer #2 - Information:
Length of Employment: Salary:
Employment Duties:
No. of Children & Ages:
Reason for leaving:

Is your employer aware you are seeking other employment? Yes
 Future Job Requirements:
Are you willing to care for pets? Yes
How many children are you capable of caring for?
Does your religion prohibit you from working Saturdays or Sundays? Please provide details: no
Are there any aspects of caregiving or housekeeping you are unwilling to perform? If so, explain your limitations: none
Are you prepared to travel with the family? Yes
Which age groups are you willing to care for? any age group
 Interview Information:
1. Please tell us about family:
I have 2 children,a girl aged 12 and a boy aged 10.My husband works as a salesman.
2. Can you tell us how you were disciplined as a child?
Since I'm the eldest of 4 children,my father raised me to be more responsible at a young age.They taught me how to help in our small business and at the same time help in the house.My father believes that communication is a good tool in discipline.t
3. Can you tell what you enjoyed about your last job?
My work is very rewarding because the elderlys shows how much they appreciate everything i did for them.Knowing them personally amke me feel more human and attached.Its not just work but it is the way of life for me now.
4. What do you consider the worst thing about your last job?
The worst thing is whenever one of the elderlys that i'm caring for get sick and their health just declines.
5. What was the most difficult thing you had to do?
eveything is a challenge for me right now and its a form of training.Its always difficult to see someone deteriorates but i learn from these experiences.
6. Can you think of a problem you have had, and let us know how you handled it?
One of the elderlys fell from her wheelchair and she had a cut on her forehead.I press the nearest emergency button.clear the surrounding from hazards.check for consciousness then look for visible bleeding and apply pressure till the medical people a
7. What is the most important thing to do in choosing a new job?
I always choose a job which I know i will enjoy and be able to interact with people.
8. Can you tell us what makes you happy?
It always makes me happy and content whenever i know i'm doing what is right.It applies for my own family and the people i work for.
9. What type of commitment can you make to your new employer?
I commit to do my duties as responsible as i can be.with quality care and personal love of work together with my trainings and experiences,i know i'll be a good caregiver.
10. What are your reasons for wanting to come to Canada?
I would like to give my family a good life and i know in canada,i can achieve this.
11. Do you plan to come directly to Canada?
no.i plan first to visit my family then go to canada.
12. Would you be willing to work anywhere in Canada?
anywhere in canada but i prefer to work in toronto,vancouver or calgary.
13. Do you think it is likely that you will change your mind about coming to Canada?
14. Can you think of a type of person who would make you feel uncomfortable, or who you may not like to work with?
none that i can think of because i love to work with people.
15. If a problem came up with your job, how would you handle it with your employer? (i.e children not cooperating, a paycheck error, etc.)
I believe in good communication.any problems will be resolve if both parties will have an open door communication.
16. What are your long-term goals?
I plan to work in canada for as long as i can so that i'll be eligible to get a permanent residency status.
17. Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? What about in the winter? Are you athletic?
yes.I like outdoors.I would say i enjoy outdoor activities.During winter,there are still things you can enjoy outside.
18. Have you ever been responsible for all of the cooking on any of your jobs? Would you be willing to cook for the whole family? What dishes do you like to prepare?
yes.i may not be the best cook but certainly,i can follow recipes.i like to try different things so i can prepare asian or western dishes.
19. What would be a typical day for you on the job you are in now?
In the morning,i will help the senior to wash and dress and give the breakfaast.give the indoor activities and help toilet to them or play games that would help them physically and mentally.
20. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble?
21. Do you use alcohol or drugs?
22. Do you have any dietary restrictions or requirements your new employer should be aware of?
23. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
usually i just like to watch or read.enjoy the sights and do my errands.
24. Do you have a serious boyfriend? Where does he live?
 Photograph and Date
Application received date:
May 25, 2009 
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