Nannies, Caregivers, Housekeepers Toronto

Profile View - Profile # 13140

Gender: Female
Profile #: 13140
City, state: Phase 2, Tower 5 42F Country: Hong Kong
 Personal Information:
Birth Place: Philippines
English: Good Languages: English, Tagalog (Filipino), Cantonese
Ever arrested? No For what?
Driver's license: Driving details:
Do you swim? Fair Like pets: Yes
Marital status: single Know cooking? Very Well
No. of children: 0 Ages:
 Medical Information:
Age: 32
Height: 5 ft 44kg
Smoke? No
Medication? No Explain:
Medical cond.: No Explain:
Allergies: No Comment:
Days missed - ill: 0
 Education: Copies of certificates may be required
High school: Sacred Heart High Sc College/Univ.: Mindanao State Unive
Child/elder trained? Yes Describe: Autistic, ADD and ADHD course
First aid? Yes Describe: Christian University CPR training
Nurse: No Midwife: No
N.N.E.B.: No Teacher: No
Other education: Associate Civil Engineering
Hobbies/crafts: Computer literate, cooking, reading
 Employment Record: most recent first, including overseas positions:
Previous Employer #1 - Information:
Length of Employment: 3 years 9 Salary: HK$65,000
Employment Duties: Child care, cleaning, cooking
No. of Children & Ages: 2 children. Now 5 and 7
Reason for leaving: Employer returning to Australia
Previous Employer #2 - Information:
Length of Employment: 3.5 yrs Salary:
Employment Duties: nanny and housekeeping
No. of Children & Ages: 3-3mos,2.5 yrs&4yrs special kid
Reason for leaving:

Is your employer aware you are seeking other employment? No
 Future Job Requirements:
Are you willing to care for pets? Yes
How many children are you capable of caring for? 3-4
Does your religion prohibit you from working Saturdays or Sundays? Please provide details: no
Are there any aspects of caregiving or housekeeping you are unwilling to perform? If so, explain your limitations: no
Are you prepared to travel with the family? Yes
Which age groups are you willing to care for? all
 Interview Information:
1. Please tell us about family:
Family based in the Philippines and Canada. Mother, 1 brother and 2 sisters. In canada I have multiple cousins.
2. Can you tell us how you were disciplined as a child?
Caring environment. Verbal discipline.
3. Can you tell what you enjoyed about your last job?
Family environment. Lovely place to live, wonderful children, caring employers.
4. What do you consider the worst thing about your last job?
When family has to leave back to their country of origin.
5. What was the most difficult thing you had to do?
6. Can you think of a problem you have had, and let us know how you handled it?
Managing childrens behaviour by adopting a solid routine which brings comfort and familiarity to the children and parents. ie dinnner follwed by bath, followed by reading followed by bed time.
7. What is the most important thing to do in choosing a new job?
Find comfort and ease with new employer to best fit in.
8. Can you tell us what makes you happy?
Fresh food, good cooking, happy children and well organized work environment. Sharing good company of friends, reading and learning.
9. What type of commitment can you make to your new employer?
Strong commitment. Previous employment positions have been held for a long time and have only terminated due to employer leaving counrty.
10. What are your reasons for wanting to come to Canada?
I have lived and worked in HK now for over 11 years and would like to explore new opportunities in a counrty where I already have many of my family living.
11. Do you plan to come directly to Canada?
Yes if employment is obtained.
12. Would you be willing to work anywhere in Canada?
13. Do you think it is likely that you will change your mind about coming to Canada?
14. Can you think of a type of person who would make you feel uncomfortable, or who you may not like to work with?
Violent and aggressive people.
15. If a problem came up with your job, how would you handle it with your employer? (i.e children not cooperating, a paycheck error, etc.)
Effective communication with employer to seek solution. With respect to children it is important to follow parents wishes in behaviour management. Check error very simply raise in a courteous way.
16. What are your long-term goals?
I am 32 seeking new opportunities in Canada. I am a career home carer and love my field of work. I see many years of strong employment opportunity in this area for me.
17. Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? What about in the winter? Are you athletic?
Very much enjoy outdoors in general. Less inclined to engage in Winter sports like Skiing but keen to gain exposure to all this and more.
18. Have you ever been responsible for all of the cooking on any of your jobs? Would you be willing to cook for the whole family? What dishes do you like to prepare?
yes I have prepared meals for all my families over the years. Dishes vary from traditional Asian through to modern western. My current employer has encouraged me to try cooking more from Marie Clair cook book which I have enjoyed.
19. What would be a typical day for you on the job you are in now?
Wake up at 7am and help prepare children for school. 9-2 cleaning, ironing, shopping etc. Chilren home from school prepare snacks and often take them out to play. 4;30-5 prepare dinner. Bath time for chilren, reading and bed.
20. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble?
21. Do you use alcohol or drugs?
22. Do you have any dietary restrictions or requirements your new employer should be aware of?
23. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
With friends out of the house. Of an evening I like to retire to my bedroom and read or chat with friends on the computer.
24. Do you have a serious boyfriend? Where does he live?
 Photograph and Date
Application received date:
Jan 29, 2009 
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